Welcome, ! Trash/Welcome to TWiki! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee kee site ), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using...
FAQ: What does the `T` in TWiki stand for? Answer: TWiki is short for TakeFive Wiki, the name of the company where its founder Peter Thoeny worked. Peter first...
FAQ: So what is this WikiWiki thing exactly? Answer: A set of pages of information that are open and free for anyone to edit as they wish. They are stored in...
FAQ: Everybody can edit any page, this is scary. Doesn`t that lead to chaos? Answer: TWiki is one of many engines, the first one was built by Ward Cunningham. Collaborating...
You are currently in the web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are. If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration...
TWikiNetSkin Introduction The TWikiNetSkin is functional and clean and has corporate appeal. It is the default skin provided with Twiki, Inc. products, designed by...
Search Attachments in 1 Web .attName { padding left: 38px; text indent: 38px; } .attComment { font size:80%; color:gray; } Attachment name: Show all...
Notes: Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. TWikiSiteTools explains how to enable automatic updates of the statistics pages. Related...
CHILDREN find children of a topic Find direct children of a topic, as defined by the parent child relationship between topics. To find children recursively...
Wysiwyg Plugin Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand alone HTML...
TinyMCEPlugin Introduction This is an integration of the fast and highly functional WYSIWYG editor. It supports a wide range of browsers such as Firefox, IE, Safari...
Backup Restore Plugin Beta Version Overview This is a solution to backup, restore, and upgrade TWiki sites. It can be used via the browser and on the command line...
TWiki Logos The official TWiki logo is a big `T` in a speech bubble conveying `working together`, and has a `collaborate with TWiki` tag line. TWiki.org Logo Artwork...
Package TWiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::PurePerl Pure perl implementation of the RCS cache search. StaticMethod search ($searchString,$topics,$options,$sDir)...
Package TWiki::Users This package provides services for the lookup and manipulation of login and wiki names of users, and their authentication. It is a Facade that...
References on Wiki and Collaboration Some useful articles and books around collaboration and the Wiki technology in particular. Wiki Technology and TWiki Presentation...
TinyMCE FAQs Frequently Asked Questions of the TinyMCEPlugin integration. Q: How can I disable the WYSIWYG editor? A: There are several ways to disable the WYSIWYG...
Settings for WysiwygPlugin that are common to most editor integrations WYSIWYG EXCLUDE Prevent WYSIWYG editing The global preference setting WYSIWYG EXCLUDE...
`Create New Topic` page has moved Continue to create the new page TWiki admins Please replace all web`s WebTopicCreator topic contents with this text: % `WebTopicCreator...
Note: This topic does not exist The topic 1 you are trying to access does not exist, yet. Do you wish to navigate quickly to a similar topic? Similar topics...
TOPICURL shortcut to viewing the current topic This variable always expands to an url pointing to the current base topic. Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut...
RSS News Feeds Find out What`s New There are several ways to find out what`s new in each TWiki web: 1. Visit WebChanges to see recent changes 1. Subscribed...
Main Features of TWiki Any web browser: Edit existing pages or create new pages by using any web browser. There is no need to upload pages. Edit link...
Change E mail Address This form is used to change your registered e mail addresses. Your registered e mails are used by TWiki for sending you e mails, including notifications...
Default Web Top Menu of TopMenuSkin This topic defines the default menu structure of a web. It is used by the TopMenuSkin in case the WebTopMenu topic is missing in...
Wiki Name Your name, usually your first and last name connected without a space. For example, Tim Berners Lee`s WikiName is TimBernersLee. Your name is also...
What is a WikiWord? A WikiWord consists of two or more words with initial capitals, run together. WikiWords are topic names. A TWiki topic name always has a fixed...
Web Notification This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this TWiki web. This is a convenient service, so...
Inline search To embed a search in a topic, use the % SEARCH{ parameters TWiki Variable. The search variable is used by many TWiki applications. Related Topics...
File attachments One can attach files to any topic. The action of attaching a file to a topic is similar to attaching a file to an e mail. The link to attach a file...
Linking to a file attachment One can create a link to a file attachment using one of the following TWikiVariables, % ATTACHURL% or % PUBURL% . % ATTACHURL% is...
Wiki Notation TWiki links topics automatically when you use WikiWord notation. Related topics: WikiSyntax, WikiWord, WikiNotation, TextFormattingRules, TWikiEditingShorthand...