Normally, if you make subsequent edits within a one hour period (configuration item ={ReplaceIfEditedAgainWithin}=), <nop>%WIKITOOLNAME% will fold together your changes. This is often the "right thing to do", as it can reduce the visual clutter of the topic history. The "Force new revision" checkbox is a way to force it to create a separate revision each time you save. The [[%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiPreferences]] variable =FORCENEWREVISIONCHECKBOX= controls whether this is checked by default or not. On a related note, you can force __every__ save to be a new revision number by setting ={ReplaceIfEditedAgainWithin}= to =0=. __Related Topics:__ UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r3 - 2010-05-27 - TWikiContributor
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